Progress Awards Scheme

Roll of honour
The following Handlers and Dogs have achieved Distinction at all Levels and in all Divisions
Carol Wallace and Tilly
Gina Pink and Tapper
Kathleen Stubbings and Jake
Louise Ince and Jodi
Vee Richardson and Joker
Jan Debnam and Maia
Angela Briggs and Drift
Louise Ince and Troy
Jan Debnam and Zahrah
Cathie Imlach and Russett
Louise Ince and Houdini
Jan Debnam and Ross
Progress Awards are designed to encourage a strong foundation of handling, choreography and training across the four Divisions. The assessment process will encourage a high quality of progress through the levels without prejudice to any breed, type of dog or handler. The Awards are held in a non-competitive atmosphere where the emphasis is on personal achievement.
All divisions have required set elements at each level, containing moves, which must be completed within the specified time to gain Awards. These compulsory elements may be performed in any order but all must be included, completed and not split. Additional moves, other than transitions between elements, are not required.
Awards are offered in all Divisions at Level 1, 2 and 3 with Level 1 being the entry level. They may be achieved with a Pass, Merit or Distinction. All candidates achieving an award will receive a rosette and certificate.
Progress Award Achievement Badges will also be presented to partnerships that have achieved:
- Merit in all four divisions of the same level,
- Distinctions in all four divisions at the same level,
- Merit in a single division at all 3 levels,
- Distinction in a single division at all 3 levels.
Progress through the Levels is by attaining Merit or Distinction at the lower Level in the same Division. Having obtained a merit, dogs may move up the scheme or continue to be entered at that Level in order to improve and gain a distinction.
Progress Award Events may be held indoors or outdoors.
Anyone wishing to host such an Event should contact the PnM Progress Award Coordinator who will advise and select two Assessors.
Progress Awards can also be entered by means of video/DVD entries, instructions for which can be found on the PnM website.
The Assessor will look for a high quality of work from both dog and handler:
Handlers should carry themselves well and complement the dog’s movements. Over handling, excessive signalling or loss of timing will be penalised. Handlers should be smartly dressed but costume is not required.
Dogs should be comfortable, moving with ease and confidence and making transitions from one element to another without hesitation. All movements should be clearly defined and sustained, on cue and of good quality. Each element must be clearly and individually shown i.e. not merged or split.
Excessive barking and noise is penalized by deducting up to 4 points from the total score, depending on the amount of barking and/or Noise. This may result in a lower award being given e.g. a Merit might be down marked to a Pass.
Choreography should be evident throughout the whole routine, showing the movement of the dog in each element to advantage.
Choreography includes:
Timing, rhythm and phrasing, where movements are in time with the beat and rhythm, and elements start and finish with the phrases of the music.
Musical Interpretation, where moves match the nuances of the musical arrangement, including its highs and lows, tempo, mood and style.
Spatial awareness – where the choreography includes more than one dimension, i.e. different heights, use of ring space and positioning to show dog moves effectively.
Creative choreography- where there is evidence of structure and planning, including a range of directions, positions, speeds, floor patterns, linking movements etc.
Grades awarded by Assessors.
Each element is graded as: 0 = fail, 1 = pass, 2 = merit, 3 = distinction.
Pass: An adequate demonstration of the required elements within the time allowed. Some areas needing improvement.
Merit: A good demonstration of the required elements within the time allowed. Some room for improvement.
Distinction: An excellent demonstration of the required elements within the time allowed. Very little room for improvement.
The total marks are added together to grade the whole test. Each of the required elements MUST score at least a 1 in order to receive an award, so even a good routine can fail due to one element being too weak to score or being omitted.
The Assessor will give each candidate a clear indication of how their grade was achieved and where there is room for improvement.
The test for any dog may be repeated once only, but must be done in the context of a whole performance, not just a few selected moves.
The score sheets will be returned to the PnM Progress Award Coordinator to be kept as a record by the Association. Candidates may request a copy of their personal sheet, which will be photocopied and sent by email or post. Please supply a stamped addressed envelope for the latter.
Time Allowed
Level 1 – up to 1½ minutes, Level 2 – up to 3 minutes, Level 3 – up to 5 minutes.
The Assessor may allow a small over-run for example for a very large dog. Assessment begins when the music starts.
Element Modification Requests
Any handler or dog with a physical disability preventing the completion of an element as specified in the handbook may submit a request to perform an alternative but similar element.
This should be made on the Element Modification Request (EMR) form available from the PnM Members Google Drive or from the Progress Award Co-ordinator. The completed form should be submitted with the entry form before the specified entry closing date.
Approval of the modification will be at the discretion of the Co-ordinator (on behalf of the Association Committee) in conjunction with the Assessor for the event. Both the applicant and event organizer will be informed of the decision. This should not be a request for leniency – all other elements must be completed.
- Entries must be received by the Paws n Music Progress Awards Coordinator at least 14 days prior to the Progress Award taking place
- Handlers may enter more than one test with a dog and may enter several dogs
- Age restrictions (rule 28 p2) apply. KC registration is not required for Progress Awards
- Only Assessors from the approved list may assess, (up to a max. of 30 entries per Assessor)
- At all Levels a list of the required elements in the order to be performed must be presented to the assessor before the test commences, using the template provided.
- Organisers are required to:
- provide music equipment for playing CDs and tapes. [To use MP3 players or I pods, handlers should check with the Event Organizer and bring their own equipment if it is not available.]
- organize the hire and payment of the venue,
- must also provide a timing steward and ring steward.
- may schedule additional activities after P.A. assessments end.
- Spectators must be limited to one side of the ring only. No other dogs are permitted in the hall whilst a dog is under test unless permission is agreed with the Assessor and candidate being assessed.
- Props are allowed (but not compulsory) in all Divisions and Levels except Level 2 in Freestyle, provided they are relevant to the routine and not purely used as a training aid or lure
- Paws n Music will provide rosettes, certificates, badges and pay the Assessor’s travel costs (in accordance with Assessors guidance on allowable costs)
Fact sheets are available from the Coordinator
Moves: the individual movements of the dog.
Steps: the footwork of the handler.
Elements: the required collection of moves or steps.
Positions: the positions of the dog relative to the handler.
Divisions: the four different styles of working.
Transitions: the linking move(s) between elements.
Choreography: the structure, spatial awareness, patterns, musicality, partnership and interpretation of music/theme/style/story.
Gait: e.g. walk, trot, canter or gallop each of which has a different pattern of foot-falls. Each gait may be performed at different speeds.
Movements of the dog will show a continuous natural rhythmic movement reflecting the timing of the music. It may be at more than one gait, i.e. walk, trot or canter and in any direction provided a balanced and continuous rhythm is maintained throughout each element, and elements are smoothly linked. Dressage moves should be performed off lead in both heel and free positions.
In Progress Awards, Assessors look for flowing, balanced and rhythmic movements throughout each element, which reflect the timing of the music. There is a choice of gait and position except where specified. Elements should be joined by flowing transitions.
Terms used in Dressage.
Collected forwards, e.g. walk trot, canter, skip, where the dog takes short high steps.
Extended forwards, as above but where the dog takes longer ground covering steps.
Sideways, where the dog maintains parallel sideways steps to its left or right.
Backwards, where the dog moves back in a controlled rhythmic manner.
Circular, where the dog moves through a full circle, maintaining its speed and rhythm throughout. Note; this is not a spin, flip or twisting movement.
Serpentines, alternating gentle curves, in heelwork or free positions, as specified, whilst the dog maintains its gait and rhythm throughout.
Pivots, where the dog rotates about its shoulder (or hip) point, maintaining a straight back, whilst its front (or back) feet turn on the spot.
LEVEL 1 Musical Dressage
Total elements =10
Pass = 10 – 18 points Merit = 19 – 24 points Distinction = 25 – 30 points
1 2 |
Forward (in a straight or curved line) |
1 element for a minimum of 9m or 12 handler steps. 1 element for a minimum of 9m or 12 handler steps, with the dog moving in a different position. |
3 |
1 element where the dog backs with the handler for a min. of 1.5m or 6 handler steps, in any position. |
4 5 |
Circular | 2 elements, one a clockwise circle and one an anti-clockwise circle, each for a minimum of 12 handler steps or a circle diameter not less than 2m. |
6 | Sideways | 1 element where the dog moves sideways to its left or right with the handler, for 1.5m or 6 handler steps. |
7 | Serpentine | 1 element with 4 changes of curve direction |
8 | Pivot | 1 element of at least 180 degrees to left or right. |
9 10 |
Choreography |
1 element of timing, rhythm and phrasing, 1 element of flowing transitions. |
LEVEL 2 Musical Dressage
Total elements = 15
Pass = 15-28 points Merit = 29-37 points Distinction = 38-45 points
1 2 3
Forward |
2 elements, each for a minimum of 9m or 12 handler steps, one in a heel position and one in a free position. 1 element for a min. of 9m or 12 handler steps, in any position but at a different speed. |
4 5 |
Backwards |
2 elements where the dog backs with the handler, each for a min. of 2m or 8 handler steps, one in a heel position, and one in a free position. |
6 |
Figure of 8 |
1 element of a figure of eight in one heel position throughout. |
7 8 |
Sideways |
2 elements where the dog steps sideways, one to its left and one to its right, each element for 2m or a min. of 8 handler steps. |
9 |
Serpentine |
1 element of 6 changes of curve direction, in a free position. |
10 11 |
2 elements, each 360 degrees, one to the left and one to the right. One pivot to be in a heel position and one in a free position. |
12 |
Transitions |
1 element of flowing transitions linking the elements. |
13-15 |
Choreography |
3 elements showing Timing, rhythm and phrasing, Musical interpretation, Spatial awareness. |
LEVEL 3 Musical Dressage
Total elements = 15
Pass = 15-28 points Merit = 29-37 points Distinction = 38-45 points
1- 4 |
4 different elements, each for a minimum of 9m or 12 handler steps. The dog should demonstrate a variety of heel and free positions, speed and/or gait over the 4 elements. |
Backwards |
1 element where the dog backs with the handler for a minimum of 3m or 12 handler steps, in a heel position. 1 element as above but in a free position. One of these elements must be in a circle. |
7 |
Serpentine |
1 element with 6 changes of curve direction, demonstrating variation (e.g. depth of curve, different positions, directions, speeds) |
8 |
Sideways |
1 element where the dog completes a square pattern of at least 3m or 12 handler steps on each side, whilst facing the same direction throughout. [The handler may change position relative to the dog at each corner of the square.] |
9 |
Weaving |
1 element of 6 flowing and continuous rhythmic weaves, through legs, arms or around props. |
10 |
Pivot |
1 continuous element of two 360 degree pivots, 1 to the left and 1 to the right, smoothly linked together. |
11 |
Figure of 8 |
1 element in free position, of 2 linked circles, one clockwise and one anticlockwise. |
12-15 |
Choreography |
4 elements showing Timing, rhythm and phrasing, Musical interpretation, Spatial awareness, Creative choreography |
The show schedule will contain details of show entry requirements and rules for the event. Handlers are also advised to be aware of and comply with Kennel Club Rules L, found in the Kennel Club Red Year Book and in the HTM Rules and Regulations booklet. Every competitor should be in possession of this booklet (up-dated annually) that pertains to all general show rules and regulations.
At Paws n Music shows there are scheduled classes for Starters, Novice, Intermediate and Advanced in four Class Divisions.
Heelwork (Division B): In a heelwork routine, the dog is worked off lead in recognised heelwork positions, (illustrated on p5) on the left or right hand side of the handler facing forward or backward, across the front or back of the handler facing left or right, moving in any direction, at any pace. The dog’s shoulder should be approximately level with and reasonably close to the handler’s leg. All other positions are defined as Freestyle. A minimum of two thirds of the routine should consist of heelwork.
Any other positions are defined as Freestyle. In Progress Awards, Assessors look for the dog’s ability to maintain a consistently held position throughout each element. Both gait and speed should also be maintained throughout each element, whatever the direction of movement.
LEVEL 1 Heelwork to Music
Total elements = 10
Pass = 10-18 points Merit = 19-24 points Distinction = 25-30 points
1 2 |
Forward (in a straight or curved line) | 2 elements, each for a minimum of 9m or 12 handler steps, each one in a different heel position. |
3 4 |
Circles | 2 elements, one in each direction, in any heel position(s), each circle for a min. of 12 handler steps or a diameter of 2 m. |
5 | Pivot | 1 element, min. 180 degrees to left or right in a heel position. |
6 | Backing | 1 element where the dog backs with the handler in a heelwork position for at least 1.5m or 6 handler steps. |
7 | Serpentine | 1 element of 4 changes of curve direction in a heelwork position. |
8 | Sideways | 1 element where the dog steps sideways in a heelwork position for at least 1.5m or 6 handler steps. |
9 | Weaving | 1 element demonstrating weaving 4 times, through legs, arms or props. |
10 | Choreography | 1 element of timing, rhythm and phrasing. |
LEVEL 2 Heelwork to Music
Total elements = 15
Pass = 15-28 points Merit = 29-37 points Distinction = 38-45 points
1 2 |
2 elements each for a min of 9m or 12 handler steps, each at a different speed and in a different heelwork position. |
3 |
1 element containing 6 changes of direction in a heelwork position not used above. |
4 | Zig-Zag | 1 element of heelwork containing four alternating 90 degree changes of direction in any heelwork position. |
5 6 |
Pivot | 2 elements each a complete 360 degree rotation, one to the left and one to the right, each in a different heelwork position. |
7 | Paw work | 1 element of paw work, min 4 movements, in a heel position |
8 9 |
Links | 2 elements of linking moves between two different heel positions |
10 | Sideways | 1element where the dog steps sideways in a heel position with the handler for at least 2m or 8 handler steps. |
11 | Backing | 1 element where the dog backs in a heelwork position for at least 2m or 8 handler steps. |
12 | Weaving | 1 element demonstrating weaving 6 times with the handler moving backwards. |
13-15 | Choreography | 3 elements – Timing rhythm and phrasing, Musical interpretation, Spatial Awareness. |
LEVEL 3 Heelwork to Music
Total elements = 15
Pass = 15-28 points Merit = 29-37 points Distinction = 38-45 points
1 2 |
2 elements, each for a min. of 9m or 12 handler steps, each in a different position and at a different speed. |
3 | Figure of 8 | 1 element of a figure of 8 in a third heel position which is maintained throughout. Each circle should be a minimum of 12 handler steps or 2m in diameter. |
4 5 |
Backwards |
2 elements each for a min of 3m or 12 handler steps and each in a different heel position. One of these elements must be in a circle. |
6 | Circles | 1 element of heelwork in a large circle, in any heel position, demonstrating 2 different speeds with a smooth transition. |
7 | Pivot | 1 element showing 2 linked 360 degree pivots – one to the left and one to the right, each in a different heel position |
8 | Sideways | 1 element where the dog steps sideways with the handler, both to its left and right, for a min. of 3m or 12 handler steps each way, whilst maintaining the same heelwork position. |
9 | Linking | 1 element demonstrating creative use of linking moves between elements (e.g. enabling a change of position, speed or direction) |
10-11 | Zig-Zag | 2 elements of heelwork, each in a different heel position and each containing four alternating 90 degree changes of direction. |
12-15 | Choreography | 4 elements – Timing, rhythm and phrasing, Creative choreography, Musical interpretation and Spatial awareness. |

Freestyle (Division C): A Freestyle routine will consist of the dog working off lead in a range of positions, demonstrating movements designed to show the dog’s athleticism and flexibility whilst allowing for the dog’s personality to be displayed through its movement. Heelwork as described above is acceptable although such movements must not exceed one third of the routine.
Freestyle Movements are designed to demonstrate the dog’s athleticism and flexibility whilst allowing its personality to shine through and develop. For Progress Awards, Assessors look for well executed and controlled moves, appropriate for the music, age and conformation of the dog and cleverly put together to make a routine using the available space.
Freestyle Positions.
Unless specified, the dog may be in any position relative to the handler, at any distance, facing any direction. For Progress Awards:
Free-close: is where the dog is in any position within 1.5m (5 feet) of the handler,
Free-distance: is where the dog is in any position further than 1.5m (5 feet) away.
Terms used in Freestyle.
Spins or twists – where the dog turns in a small circle on the spot in either direction, through 360 degrees. The move should be smooth with no jumping.
Rounds – where the dog moves around the handler or prop in a complete 360 degree circle, the diameter of which is unlimited unless stated.
Weaving – a collection of alternating curves or circular movements, through legs, arms or around props.
Backing – either with, away from or towards the handler.
Poses – where the dog maintains a stationary position e.g. bow, beg, upside down, flat on side, for the count of four seconds at all levels. Note this is NOT the same as 4 beats of the music.
At Level 1 only, a pose may be a sit, stand or down or a supported pose such as paws on handler’s knee or chin on a stool, provided the dog is NOT held in position by the handler.
At L2 and L3 all poses must be unsupported and props may not be used.
Paw work – where the dog lifts its front and/or hind feet, as and when cued (voluntarily).
Distancing – where the dog is sent independently away from the handler.
Note, the handler must not make the distance by moving away from the dog.
High moves – where the dog is for a short time balanced on its back legs.
Crawling – where the dog maintains a down position whilst on the move.
Jumps – including free jumps, hops and jumping part of the handler or prop in a bascule movement. Jumps must not be excessive or too high for the dog’s well-being.
Rollover – where the dog rolls from the down position to its left or right in a controlled manner.
KC Rules Applicable in this Division:
- Any activity, which may pose a risk to the health and welfare of the dog or impugn its dignity is not acceptable and may result in elimination e.g. excessive jumping.
- Consideration must always be given to the dog’s age, individual fitness, flexibility and conformation when planning the content of any routine.
- Unacceptable risky moves, which must not be performed
Avoidance of Injury
Handlers must pay particular attention that injury may be caused if care is not taken whilst training and performing certain moves. In particular:
Spins, jumping or flipping into a spin or fast and excessive spinning in one direction.
Jumping, on hard or slippery surfaces, affecting take-off and landing with unnecessary impact, or without control of the shape of the jump.
Rollover, shoulder and /or back damage is caused if the dog does not roll from the down position but throws itself into the roll from standing.
High work, only suitable for dogs of sound conformation and balance to weight ratio.
See Page 5 for more information about Inappropriate and KC list of Banned Moves.
LEVEL 1 Freestyle
Total elements = 10
Pass = 10-18 points Merit = 19-24 points Distinction = 25-30 points
1 | Paw work | 1 element of a min. of 4 paw movements in the free close position |
2 3 |
Spins |
1 element of 4 consecutive spins in a clockwise direction. 1 element of 4 consecutive spins in an anti-clockwise direction. |
4 | Weaving | 1 element of weaving 6 times, around legs, arms or props. |
5 | Pose | 1 element of sustained pose for at least 4 seconds. |
6 | Forward | 1 element of forward movement for a min. of 9m or 12 handler steps, in a heel or free position. |
7 | Round | 1 element where the dog circles the handler in free-close position. |
8 | Backing | 1 element where the dog backs with the handler for at least 1.5m or 6 handler steps. |
9 10 |
Choreography |
1 element of timing, rhythm and phrasing. 1 element making good use of the ring space. |
LEVEL 2 Freestyle
Total elements = 15
Pass = 15-28 points Merit = 29-37 points Distinction = 38-45 points
1 | Paw work | 1 element of at least 2 paw movements in free-distance position. |
3 |
Spins |
1 element of 3 consecutive spins to the left and 3 to the right, in a free-close position (total 6) 1 element of 4 consecutive spins, 2 in each direction, in free-distance position. |
4 5 |
Poses | 2 elements each containing a different sustained pose for a min. of 4 seconds, one at free-distance and one at free close. |
6 | Weaving | 1 element of weaving 8 times with the handler moving backwards |
7 | Round | 1 element where the dog circles the handler in the free-distance position in either direction. |
8 | Backing/Send Away | 1 element where the dog is backed or sent away from the handler for a distance of at least 3m. |
9 | Sideways | 1 element of the dog moving sideways in a free close position for a min. of 2m or 8 handler steps. |
10- 12
Additional elements |
2 elements containing different moves such as Crawls, Jumps, Rollovers, or elements from Division A or B at level 2. 1 element showing creative use of a prop in a way that is relevant to the music/theme/style of the performance. |
13-15 |
3 elements – timing, rhythm and phrasing; musical interpretation, and spatial awareness. |
LEVEL 3 Freestyle
Total elements = 15
Pass = 15-28 points Merit =29-37 points Distinction =38-45 points
1 |
Paw work
1 element of 4 paw movements in the free distance position. |
2 |
1 element of 6 consecutive spins, 3 to the left and 3 to the right, whilst the handler is moving in any direction(s). |
3 | Weaving | 1 element of weaving 12 times, demonstrating at least 2 different styles or directions of weaving. |
4 |
Figure of 8
1 element where the dog circles 2 props in a figure of 8 pattern twice in the free position OR 1 element of the same movement without the use of props. |
6 |
Backing/ Distancing
1 element where the dog is backed or sent away from the handler to a distance of at least 3m, followed by: 1 element of 2 different freestyle moves, whilst maintaining distance. |
8 |
Side stepping |
1 element where the dog sidesteps to its left for a min of 3m or 12 handler steps. 1 element as above but with the dog side stepping to its right. |
Additional elements | 3 elements containing different moves (not used elsewhere in the routine) such as Highs, Crawls, Jumps, Rollover or moves from Divisions A and/or B level 3. |
12-15 | Choreography | 4 elements – Timing rhythm and phrasing; Musical interpretation; Spatial awareness and Creative choreography. |
(Two assessors required)
Dances with Dogs (Division D): This routine must be recognisable as dancing on the part of the handler. The dog will carry out moves from heelwork, dressage, freestyle or a combination, in a range of positions. All movement for both partners should be appropriate for the music and chosen dance style. In this division the movement of the handler is as important as that of the dog and will be marked accordingly 50/50.
For Progress Awards, both dog and handler should move together as dance partners. The handler will demonstrate different footstep patterns (i.e. rhythms or dance steps), which may be chosen from the examples below. Appropriate arm and body movements should be evident. At the same time the dog will perform moving elements chosen from other Divisions at the same Level.
Terms used in Dances with Dogs
Synchronised movement – where dog and handler perform coordinated identical or mirrored movements in time with the music and each other
Rhythm – essentially refers to the pattern of the beats in the music
Footstep Patterns – repeated footstep sequences, which match the rhythmic beat of the music
Style – for example – line dance, waltz, Scottish, disco or modern dance.
Footstep Rhythms:
Examples of music in 4/4 time signature:
1,2,3,4 =1 bar as in walking,
&1, &2, &3, &4, beats = 1 bar, as in skipping
1&, 2&, 3&, 4&, beats = 1 bar, as in galloping
1&2, 3&4, beats = 1 bar, as in step ball change
123&4 = 1 bar as in the quickstep.
And in 3:4 rhythm timing – 123, 123 as in the waltz, with emphasis on the 1st beat in each bar.
Dance Steps:
Examples – which do not have to be of different rhythms:
Skipping – forwards/backwards,
Galloping – sideways/forwards/backwards
Step ball change – forwards/backwards
Step turn – moving to the right and left
Spin – turn on the spot
Vine – to the right/left.
Stylised running steps – as in Scottish Country Dance.
The Waltz step – forwards/backwards/circling (if working in 3:4 timing)
LEVEL 1 Dances with Dogs
Total elements = 10
Pass = 10-18 points Merit = 19–24 points Distinction =25-30 points
1- 3
Handler footstep patterns | 3 elements, each for a minimum of 12 beats (3 bars in 4/4 time signature or 4 bars in 3/4 time signature) and each a different footstep pattern. Each element to be performed with one dog element: |
4- 6 |
Dog elements
3 different moving dog elements, chosen from Division A, B or C at level 1, each performed with one of the handler’s footstep patterns. |
7 | Pose | 1 element of posing held by both dog and handler |
8 | Synchronised movement | 1 element where both partners use synchronised movement(s) for a minimum of 12 beats of the music. |
9 10 |
Choreography |
1 element of timing rhythm and phrasing, 1 element of creative use of space. |
LEVEL 2 Dances with Dogs
Total elements = 15
Pass = 15-28 points Merit = 29-37 points Distinction = 38-45 points
1- 3 |
Handler footstep patterns |
3 elements, each a different and recognisable footstep pattern, and each for a minimum of 16 beats of the music, performed with one dog element: |
4- 6 |
Dog elements | 3 different moving dog elements (from L2 div. A, B or C) each performed with one of the above footstep patterns. |
7 8 |
Additional Dog movements | 2 elements of additional and different dog moves of choice, which may be performed with any of the 3 footstep patterns or as an introduction or finale to the performance. |
9 10 |
Synchronised Movement
2 elements where both dog and handler use synchronized movement(s) for a minimum of 12 beats (3 bars). Each element should contain different synchronised movement[s]. |
11 12 |
2 elements, each showing fluent transition for both dog and handler between elements. Each to be different and max. 8 beats of the music. |
13-15 | Choreography |
3 elements – Timing, rhythm and phrasing, Creative choreography and Spatial awareness. |
LEVEL 3 Dances with Dogs
Total elements = 24
Pass = 24-42 points Merit = 43-59 points Distinction = 60-72 points
Handlers must demonstrate 3 different dance styles, each containing different dance step patterns, arm and body movement, and dog moves. These should all complement the style of each dance and be in keeping with the chosen music. 3 different pieces of music may be required which should be edited to follow on from each other as smoothly as possible.
All 6 moving dog elements should be chosen from the other Divisions at L3, but all additional movements may be of choice but appropriate for a Level 3 performance.
1 | Introduction | 1 element (min. 8 beats, max. 16 beats of the music) of movement for both partners, as a suitable introduction to the performance. |
2 3
Dance Style 1 | 2 handler elements, each a different footstep pattern for a minimum of 12 beats, and each one performed with one dog element: |
4 5 |
2 different moving dog elements, each for a min. of 12 beats. |
1 element of synchronised movement for both partners for a minimum of 12 beats. | |
7 | 1 element of transitional movement for both dance partners, for a maximum of 8 beats | |
8 – 13 |
Dance Style 2 | 6 elements, as described above, but each must be different from Dance 1, and must be appropriate for the 2nd chosen dance style and in keeping to the music. |
14 – 19 | Dance Style 3 | 6 elements, as above but again, all different from dances 1 and 2 and all appropriate for the 3rd chosen dance and in keeping with the music. |
20 | Finale | 1 element of additional movements, performed as a finale (for a min. of 8 beats and maximum of 16). |
21 – 24 |
4 elements – timing, rhythm and phrasing; musical interpretation; spatial awareness; and creative choreography. |