Organising Progress Awards Events

The organiser should:

  1. Contact the Coordinator to discuss suitable dates and request the appointment of Assessors.
  2. Find a suitable venue and make the booking. Obtain a contract from the venue owner and make sure you know the terms and conditions, with Risk Assessment if required.
  3. You are responsible for making sure the event is covered by either your personal or club’s insurance and a copy of the certificate should be sent to the Co-ordinator prior to the event. Paws n Music Association is not responsible for any insurance claims arising from the holding of this event.
  4. Inform the Coordinator in plenty of time so that the event can be advertised.
  5. Ensure
  • if indoors that the floor is safe & non-slip – e.g. taped-down carpet
  • if outdoors must be on short grass and the ground must be level, even & without holes.
  • that the edge of the working area is clearly defined by tape, fencing or rope as appropriate.
  • that it is large enough for the required elements to be performed by dogs of all sizes.
  • that spectators occupy only one side of the working area.
  • no dogs are near or in view of a dog under test.
  • that food is not used during an assessment.
  • toys are not used except for warming up and for a training round.
  • no dog under 12 months is entered for Dressage & Heelwork to Music
  • no dog under 18 months is entered for Freestyle & Dances With Dogs
  1. Provide suitable equipment to play CDs and also a backup machine which should both be PAT tested. Music must not be played so loud that it interferes with local neighbouring properties.
  2. Provide a time keeper and, if required by the assessor, a scribe for the event.
  3. If outdoors, provide a tent large enough for the assessor/s, timekeeper and possible scribe to sit in with table, chairs, music centre, timer and awards.
  4. If outdoors, the organiser must be responsible for the same health and safety regulations that one would normally expect if hiring a hall. In addition, should the ground become waterlogged or slippery, the organiser must make the decision to postpone the event. If the event is cancelled or curtailed due to inclement weather, the organiser must re-organise the event within four weeks of the postponement date.
  5. Once the number of entries is known, the organiser should work out the additional fee  per entry required from each entrant to cover the cost of the venue and be responsible for collecting these fees and paying the venue.

At your own discretion your group may present the assessor/s with a small thank you gift.

  1. Provide hot/cold drinks for officials and competitors and ensure there is fresh water available for dogs. A nominal charge can be made for competitors. It is also customary to offer the assessors additional refreshments and dietary preferences ascertained.
  2. The organiser may run a raffle or tombola.
  3. The organiser is responsible for ensuring all entrants know the full address of the venue and the starting time.
  4. A running order should be made by the organiser and be clearly displayed at the venue ensuring that anyone with multiple entries has at least a short break between each one.
  5. The organiser should announce that a copy of their score sheet is available via email from the Coordinator or SAE via postal service.
  6. The organiser should announce that additional earned badges are available for purchase at £3 by sending a cheque made payable to PnM Association to the Co-ordinator. (Some folk take these to their local keycutter, have the pin removed and a hole drilled in the edge to hang on their dog’s collar.)

After the event

The Organizer must return the following to the Co-ordinator WITHIN SEVEN DAYS OF THE EVENT:

  1. All entry forms.
  2. All completed and signed assessment sheets.
  3. All unused sheets, certificates, rosettes and badges.
  4. A full list of results (these can be simply entered in the final column of the entry list sent to you by the Co-ordinator and emailed back) and your feedback form.

The Co-ordinator will:

  1. Take entries up to 14 days prior to an event, provided they are accompanied by the appropriate fees (currently £5.50 per entry) – cheques made payable to PnM – and the official entry form is completed (these can be downloaded from the PnM website).
  2. Provide all assessment sheets, feedback forms, rosettes, certificates and badges.
  3. Organise an assessor (or assessors) for the event.
  4. Bank all cheques and advise Treasurer of total.

The Assessors

Assessors are responsible for writing a short report and sending this, together with a Feedback Form, to the Co-ordinator. All expense claims should be sent to the Treasurer within 2 weeks of the event.

The results and reports will be published in the Newsletter, on the Facebook pages and Website.

A Trainee Assessor may shadow an Assessor providing prior approval has been obtained from both the Organiser and the Assessor via the Coordinator . Their role should be to watch, listen and learn without interrupting during the routines but may ask the Assessor questions after the routine has been marked. No interaction should take place between the Shadow Assessor and the Assessees except socially during breaks.




  1.  Must have ‘shadow’ assessed 30 routines at Level 1 with an experienced Assessor.
  2.  Should preferably have gained Distinction in all 4 Divisions at that level with at least 1 dog or otherwise as approved by the PnM Committee.
  3. Must then assess first three progress tests in the company of an experienced Assessor who will not only assess their competence but provide backup and support if required.
  4. Must be approved by the Committee before continuing alone.

 LEVELS 2 and 3

  1. As for Level 1 but must have shadow assessed a combined total of 20 levels 2 and 3 and have gained the necessary awards at each level.

Feedback forms are in operation for both the Assessor(s) and the Organizer to fill in at each Progress Test which will be returned to the Co-ordinator.  This information will in turn be passed to the Committee enabling problem areas, difficulties and questions to be addressed, including de-authorising an Assessor if negative feedback is received.