Join Paws n Music
Membership runs from Jan 1st each year and provides:
- Reduced entries fees to PnM Events
- Annual Trophies and Awards
- Entry to Progress Awards
- Move Development Scheme
- Entry to the Inter-regional Competition
- Useful YouTube Videos
- Member’s Facebook Group
Standard £15 ~ Overseas £17
Additional family member (each) living at the same address £6 each.
Cash, Cheque, Standing order or Bank Transfer

the Annual Membership is £15
Renewal by Standing Order
1) Send in your Membership Form and make an initial payment by one of the methods above. Please clearly indicate that you intend to set up a standing order for future payments.
2) Set up a standing order with your Bank or Building Society to take care of renewals automatically. This can be done by telephone or online if you have Internet Banking.
The Paws N Music bank account details are available from the PnM Treasurer or from the Membership Form.
Please quote the first 4 letters of your surname and your postcode as a reference on the standing Order so that we know who the payment is coming from.
Please ensure you tell the Membership Secretary you will be renewing by Standing Order, providing the payment date and reference you have used. This helps us to identify the payment when it comes into the account.
Renewals are due on 1 January each year, but it will help the Membership Secretary if you can arrange for the payment date to be in December.
And that’s all there is to it – except if subscriptions rise in the future you will need to make a quick call to your bank to amend the amount.
At shows
You can join Paws n Music or renew your membership at any of the Paws n Music Shows (or at other shows by prior arrangement with the Membership Secretary)
By post
Print off and complete the Membership Form and post it with your cheque or Postal Order.
By Email
Complete the Membership Form and email it to the Membership Secretary. You can make your payment by bank transfer and confirm that was your method of payment on the membership form.
News by Email
If you let us have your email address we will notify of signficant changes, notifications and reminders when Membership subscription is due.
Annual Trophies and Awards
Lifetime Awards
They are available at all levels of competition, Starters to Advanced, and are earned for wins at PnM Shows and also at non PnM events where the additional divisions of Musical Dressage and Dances with Dogs are hosted.
Once your dog has won two FIRST places, each in a different Divisions [Heelwork, Freestyle, Musical Dressage and Dances with Dogs] you are eligible for a Bronze award. When you go on to win a further FIRST place in a third Division, you earn a silver award and for a FIRST place in the last of the 4 divisions you are eligible for the Gold award. Only one win is needed in each Division and scores must be 18.0 or above. These awards can be accumulated over the life time of a dog.
To obtain an application form and apply for these attractive rosette awards please email our Awards Co-ordinator.
Please ensure the following information is included for each award:
- Handler name, address or email address.
- Your Dog’s KC name and pet name
- Breed of dog
- The award for which you are applying
- A list of relevant wins – the Division and class level , name of show and date.
These awards are usually presented at the PnM May Show.
Certificate of Excellence
PNM Certificates of Excellence may be claimed for Musical Dressage and Dances With Dogs in much the same way as can be claimed from the KC for Heelwork and Freestyle. Claims should be made to the Awards Co-ordinator.
Please ensure the following information is included for each award:
- Handler name, address or email address.
- Your Dog’s KC name and pet name
- Breed of dog
- The award for which you are applying
- Details of the show: date; show, class, marks, place, judge.

Paws n Music
If you can’t attend a show you can still pick up the results and pics on the day in the Members Facebook Group – no more Feeling Of Missing Out!
Our main page for the Association on Facebook.